MotelsFood & Beverage - RestaurantsHotels & ResortsMeeting Rooms
- 1301 Avenue of Mid America Effingham IL 62401
- (217) 540-7777
- (217) 540-7778
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Driving Directions:
North I-57/I-70: Take Exit 160, turn Left at stop light, turn Right at Ave of Mid America, hotel on right.
South I-57/I-70: Take Exit 160, turn Right at stop light, turn Right at Ave of Mid America
About Us
Whether travelling for business or pleasure, come enjoy a taste of Illinois hospitality at the Holiday Inn Effingham hotel located in the Crossroads of America right off of Illinois Interstates 57 and 70. The Holiday Inn Effingham hotel is also attached to the Thelma Keller Convention Center together offering 37,000 square feet of flexible meeting space onsite.