Simplifying Travel: Applying for a Turkey Visa Online

apply evisa turkey
12 min readJun 12, 2024


Embarking on an adventure to Turkey is a dream for many travelers, but the bureaucratic hurdles of obtaining a visa can sometimes dampen the excitement. However, fret not! In this digital age, the process has been streamlined, allowing you to apply for your Turkey visa online, right from the comfort of your own home. Let’s delve into this convenient method and uncover how you can swiftly obtain your visa hassle-free.

Navigating the Online Application Process

Gone are the days of long queues and tedious paperwork at consulates. With the online visa application system, the process has become remarkably efficient. Simply visit the official website of the Turkish government’s Electronic Visa Application System (e-Visa), and you’re on your way. The user-friendly interface guides you through each step, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.

Convenience at Your Fingertips

One of the most appealing aspects of applying for a Turkey visa online is the sheer convenience it offers. No more scheduling appointments or making multiple trips to the embassy. Whether you’re lounging on your couch or sipping coffee at your favorite café, as long as you have an internet connection, you can complete the entire process in just a few clicks.

Efficiency and Expediency

Time is of the essence, especially when planning a trip. The online visa application eliminates unnecessary delays, allowing you to receive your visa in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods. In most cases, once you’ve submitted your application and made the payment, your e-Visa is processed swiftly, often within 24 hours. This efficiency means you can focus on the more enjoyable aspects of your journey, rather than fretting over administrative tasks.

Securing Your Turkey Visa: Key Points to Remember

While the online application process is undoubtedly convenient, it’s essential to keep a few key points in mind to ensure a seamless experience:

  1. Accuracy is Crucial: Double-check all the information you provide during the application process to avoid any discrepancies that may lead to delays or rejection.
  2. Validity Period: Be mindful of the validity period of your e-Visa. Ensure it aligns with your travel dates, and plan accordingly.
  3. Passport Requirements: Ensure that your passport meets the validity requirements specified by Turkish authorities. Most e-Visas require your passport to be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay.
  4. Keep a Digital Copy: Once your e-Visa is approved, it’s prudent to keep a digital copy accessible on your smartphone or email. This ensures you have easy access to it whenever required, such as during immigration checks upon arrival in Turkey.

Here are 10 fascinating facts about various aspects of Turkey:

  1. Sagalassos: Sagalassos is an ancient city located in southwestern Turkey. It was once an important center of the Pisidia region and is known for its well-preserved ruins, including a theater and impressive public baths.
  2. Iznik Pottery: Iznik, historically known as Nicaea, is famous for its traditional pottery and ceramics. Iznik tiles and ceramics are renowned for their intricate patterns and vibrant colors, often featuring floral motifs and geometric designs.
  3. Troy Horse: The city of Çanakkale, near the ancient site of Troy, is home to a replica of the Trojan Horse, featured in the movie “Troy” starring Brad Pitt. It stands as a symbol of the legendary Trojan War and attracts many visitors.
  4. Sumela Monastery: Located in the Trabzon province, Sumela Monastery is a Greek Orthodox monastery nestled in a cliff overlooking a lush valley. Dating back to the 4th century, it’s known for its stunning frescoes and serene setting.
  5. Oil Wrestling: Yağlı güreş (oil wrestling) is Turkey’s national sport, dating back to ancient times. Competitors wear leather trousers and cover themselves in olive oil before grappling in matches that can last for hours. The annual Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival in Edirne is a major event.
  6. Zeugma Ancient City: Zeugma, near Gaziantep, was an ancient city founded by Alexander the Great’s general. It’s famous for its extensive Roman ruins and well-preserved mosaics, showcasing scenes from mythology and daily life.
  7. Alaçatı Windmills: Alaçatı, a charming town on Turkey’s Aegean coast, is known for its iconic windmills. These historic windmills, dating back to the 19th century, stand as symbols of the town’s agricultural heritage and offer panoramic views.
  8. Carian Trail: The Carian Trail is a long-distance hiking trail along Turkey’s southwestern coast. Stretching over 800 kilometers (500 miles), it passes through ancient Carian cities, lush landscapes, and coastal villages, offering a unique trekking experience.
  9. Hittite Capital: Hattusa, located near modern-day Boğazkale, was the capital of the ancient Hittite Empire. It’s known for its well-preserved ruins, including royal residences, temples, and massive stone walls, providing insights into Hittite civilization.
  10. Mount Uludağ: Located near Bursa, Mount Uludağ is Turkey’s most popular ski resort and a favorite destination for winter sports enthusiasts. In summer, it offers hiking trails, stunning alpine landscapes, and views over the Sea of Marmara.

eVisa to Turkey from USA

U.S. citizens can obtain an e-Visa to Turkey by applying online through the official Turkish e-Visa website. The application process is straightforward and requires providing personal and travel information, including passport details and travel dates. Applicants must pay the visa fee, approximately $50, using a credit or debit card. Once the application is submitted, it is typically processed within 24 hours, and the approved e-Visa is sent via email. U.S. citizens should print the e-Visa and present it upon arrival in Turkey, allowing for a stay of up to 90 days within a 180-day period for tourism or business purposes.

Documents Required for Turkey Visa from India

Indian citizens applying for a Turkey visa need to submit several documents. These typically include a valid passport with at least six months’ validity from the date of entry, a completed visa application form, passport-sized photographs, proof of travel arrangements (such as flight tickets), hotel reservations, and proof of sufficient financial means (bank statements). Additionally, a cover letter explaining the purpose of the visit, travel insurance, and sometimes an invitation letter from a host in Turkey may be required. It is advisable to check the latest requirements from the official Turkish consulate or embassy website before applying.

Where to Get Turkey Visa

To obtain a Turkey visa, eligible travelers can apply online through the official Turkish e-Visa website for an electronic visa. Those who are not eligible for an e-Visa or require a different type of visa must apply at a Turkish embassy or consulate. The specific location and contact details of the Turkish diplomatic missions can be found on the official Ministry of Foreign Affairs website of Turkey. It is important to apply well in advance of the intended travel date to allow sufficient time for processing.

Turkey eVisa for Filipino

Filipino citizens can apply for a Turkey e-Visa if they meet the eligibility criteria. The application is completed online through the official Turkish e-Visa website. Filipinos need to provide personal information, passport details, and travel dates. They must also pay the visa fee using a credit or debit card. Once the application is submitted and processed, the e-Visa is sent to the applicant’s email. It should be printed and presented upon arrival in Turkey, allowing for a stay of up to 30 days within a 180-day period for tourism or business purposes.

Turkey eVisa for US Citizen

U.S. citizens are eligible to apply for a Turkey e-Visa, which can be obtained through the official Turkish e-Visa website. The process involves completing an online application form with personal and travel details, paying the visa fee, and submitting the application. The fee for U.S. citizens is approximately $50. Once processed, the e-Visa is sent via email, usually within 24 hours. The e-Visa allows U.S. travelers to enter Turkey for up to 90 days within a 180-day period for tourism or business purposes.

How Long Does Turkey Visa Take from Dubai

For residents of Dubai applying for a Turkey visa, the processing time can vary. If applying for an e-Visa, the process is typically quick, with approval usually granted within 24 hours after submitting the application online. However, if applying for a traditional visa through the Turkish consulate in Dubai, the process can take longer, ranging from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the type of visa and the completeness of the application. It is recommended to apply well in advance of the intended travel date to ensure timely processing.

Turkey eVisa for UAE Residents

UAE residents can apply for a Turkey e-Visa if they hold a valid UAE residency permit. The application process is conducted online through the official Turkish e-Visa website. Applicants need to provide personal information, passport and residency details, and travel dates. They must also pay the visa fee online using a credit or debit card. Once approved, the e-Visa is sent to the applicant’s email, allowing them to stay in Turkey for up to 90 days within a 180-day period for tourism or business purposes.

Turkey eVisa for Egyptian

Egyptian citizens can apply for a Turkey e-Visa online if they meet the eligibility criteria. The application involves filling out personal and travel information, providing passport details, and paying the visa fee. The e-Visa process is convenient and can be completed from home. Once the application is submitted and processed, typically within 24 hours, the e-Visa is sent via email. Egyptians should print the e-Visa and present it upon arrival in Turkey, allowing for stays of up to 30 days within a 180-day period for tourism or business purposes.

eVisa Turkey for US Citizens

U.S. citizens can apply for an e-Visa to Turkey through the official Turkish e-Visa portal. The application process requires providing personal details, passport information, and travel plans, and paying the visa fee, which is around $50. The e-Visa is generally processed within 24 hours, and the approved visa is emailed to the applicant. U.S. citizens should print the e-Visa and carry it with them when traveling to Turkey, where it allows for a stay of up to 90 days within a 180-day period for tourism or business purposes.

Do UAE Residents Need Visa for Turkey

Yes, UAE residents need a visa to travel to Turkey. However, they can easily apply for a Turkey e-Visa online if they hold a valid UAE residency permit. The application is done through the official Turkish e-Visa website, where applicants provide their personal information, passport details, and travel dates, and pay the visa fee. Once approved, the e-Visa is emailed to the applicant, allowing them to enter Turkey for tourism or business purposes for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

In Conclusion

Applying for a Turkey visa online has revolutionized the travel experience, making it more accessible and hassle-free for globetrotters worldwide. With its user-friendly interface, swift processing times, and unparalleled convenience, the e-Visa system is undoubtedly the preferred choice for modern travelers. So, why wait? Take advantage of this streamlined process and embark on your Turkish adventure with ease. Bon voyage!

Simplify Your Journey: Visit for Hassle-Free Visa Applications!

Are you tired of the endless paperwork and stress that comes with visa applications? Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to smooth sailing with! Our expert team is dedicated to making your travel dreams a reality by streamlining the visa application process. With just a few clicks, you can say hello to your next adventure. Don’t let paperwork hold you back — visit today and start planning your journey with ease!



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Simplify Your Journey: Visit for Hassle-Free Visa Applications!

Are you tired of the endless paperwork and stress that comes with visa applications? Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to smooth sailing with! Our expert team is dedicated to making your travel dreams a reality by streamlining the visa application process. With just a few clicks, you can say hello to your next adventure. Don’t let paperwork hold you back — visit today and start planning your journey with ease!


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